Monday 7 November 2011


Life’s full of choices,
Right n wrong, wrong n right...
Bad n good, good n bad...

Life’s full of living in others shoes,
Knowing they don’t fit you...
Happiness in mind,
Discomfort in heart...

Life is full of life,
Enjoy every moment,
Dream big time...

Life...stars in sunshine...
Dew in the night,
Imaginations go wild...
Dreams come alive...

Life...enjoy those hugs,
Hate those break-ups
Never miss the patch-ups...
But importantly make great memories...

My thousand words can’t describe,
People find beauty in thorns...
But some can’t in pearls...
In is never blind,
Blind are the people who think love is blind...
Love is kind,
N it’s only in the mind...

Life is same to all,
Some breaths n 72 beats a minute...
Good is in all,
People just can’t find it...

‘L’ always stands for love!
Cause our life’s never happen without making love...
‘IF’ stands for all those questions on death-bed,
For all those answers you never found,
For all those things you wished, but never did...
For all those opportunities lost...
For all those days you lived, but never really lived...
N’ finally,
I suggest...Enjoy your life...!
Work hard!
Might be Ecstasy...
Eventually you shall know...or might be you shall never know!
hey guys..

do write your problems and commenting on this post!

thank you..

Speak up..!: Hey guys!Do comment and blog things(therez a opt...

Hey guyz!

write your commenting on this post!

Hey guys!

Do comment and blog things(therez a option of blog this)

Sunday 6 November 2011

Speak up..!: Speak up..!: Hey

The more you walk..
the more you fall..

The more you fall..
the more you learn..

The more you learn..
the less you fall..

The less you fall..
the more you walk..!

Speak up..!: Hey

Speak up..!:

i have always faced a problem in saying no!
what should i do!


Hey guys!

I have created this blog..for us all..its basically created to help oursleves in our personal and professional lifes..
In our lives..everyday we face problems..difficulties..and facing them is quite easy sometimes..but we often lack that approach..
We here have come togetherto read each others story and help out!
People need you..and you need people!
and always remember guys..
Dream big neglect small things..
But while doing big things..never neglect small things..

So help out!
and if you guys have problem..SPEAK UP!!

And can also share your life's expereinces..good n bad..for others to learn from your mistake..
you can also share something funny..nice..motivaational..inspirational..andcan post your about happy times as well..
After its all about SPEAKing UP!

